The draft National Education Policy 2019 was made public in June 2019. The Union Cabinet approved the "New National Education Policy 2020" on July 29, 2020, without much notice and without discussion in Parliament.
While approving the new educ

ation policy, the chairman of the National Education Drafting Committee, Shri. Kasturirangan said, "The future and future of India and the people of India will depend on how much and how high quality education opportunities are provided to children and youth in India in the future." This is the structure of education.
The objective of the National Education Policy is to uphold the constitutional value and on the basis of that, this policy should be useful for restructuring the Indian society. Such an expectation has also been expressed. But at the same time, the strategy is to elevate ancient India and make India a world leader on that basis. Accordingly, in the present objective of the National Education Policy, the conflicting ideologies of the Constitution and the ancient pro-Hindu philosophy are found in this policy. On this basis also, this National Education Policy should be evaluated and analyzed.
The current education system today has created some serious problems due to improper implementation of post-independence education policy.
*Some serious problems in the current education system:-*
■ 1. Due to privatization, commercialization and marketing of education, education has gone beyond the reach of common man.
■ 2. The government is gradually moving away from the education sector and this means that the government is getting rid of its constitutional responsibility to provide education to all.
■ 3. The constitutional value of secularism is being undermined by promoting the religion and culture of the majority through education.
■ 4. The education policy did not live up to the values of freedom, equality, fraternity and justice enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution.
■ 5. In the present education system, students have to pay the cost. Education opportunities are being denied to the tribes, other backward classes and minorities, farmers, agricultural laborers.
TrueTrue(```````````(```````````0289304800304800clip_image001.png6. I. from Anganwadi in education system. Income. T. To higher education institutions like the one that leads to racial discrimination,njustice and oppression. It is still permanent. E.g. Dr. Rohit Vemula, Dr. Payal Tadvi (suicide cases)
■ 8. Inadequate budget for education
■ 9. Competition of coaching culture due to vocational course entrance examination
■ 10. Delay in Scholarship Delivery
■ 11. Lack of physical facilities and teachers for education
Some of these serious problems need to be understood and addressed.
Education Policy 2020 Evaluation Criteria:-*
■ 1. United Nations Declaration of Human Rights 1948,
■ 2. Constitution of India and ■ 3. Judgment of the Supreme Court of India
1. Bandhuva Mukti Morcha v. Union of India 1948
◆ 2. Unnikrishnan Nikal 1992 etc. Judgments declare that education at all levels including higher and vocational education is the birthright of every person. (Fundamental Rights) and it is the responsibility of the state to make that education available to all. By these criteria ---
■ For us, education is a means of emancipation.
Education is an effective weapon to eradicate the undesirable traditions, customs and superstitions in Indian society.
It is an effective tool for social transformation.
.It is an effective means of building a new society based on the values of equality, freedom, brotherhood and justice.
It is a tool to enable a person to live a happy, prosperous, prosperous, dignified life.
On October 5, 1927, in the Mumbai Legislative Assembly, speaking on the Mumbai University Act Amendment Bill: 4, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar says, "My esteemed friend Mr. Munshi says that if it was a question of material gain, he would have accepted the principle of community-wise representation in the Senate. But I would like to make him aware that" education is the most important material gain. The backward classes are aware of this. For that we are ready for intense struggle. For that we can give up any kind of material gain. We are ready to sacrifice every benefit provided by this culture. But under no circumstances are we prepared to give up the right to higher education and their right to maximum use of opportunities. The backward classes now realize that their very existence is not secure without education. "
It is not possible to bring about social and economic change in this country without educating all the common people. Known to Babasaheb Ambedkar, he considered education as an effective means of emancipation from the very beginning. And insisted on education for all. Their insistence- Education:
■ 1. Education for all
■ 2. Free and quality education for all
■ 3. Equal education for all and
■ 4. It is the responsibility of the state to provide all kinds of higher and vocational education to those who are deserving.
Article 21 of the Indian Constitution enshrines the "right to life and liberty of life".
*New Education Strategy 2020: Analysis..*
*Part 1. School Education Policy and Objections:-*
■ The current education policy may be comprehensive, but it does not include equal education. Because the policy for school education from Anganwadi to Class XII is only for public sector educational institutions. Not for private institutions. It has two parallel streams of Anganwadi and Convent.
■ On the one hand Anganwadi to 12th class is the flow of public sector mother tongue education and on the other hand Nursery-Convent to 12th class. This is the flow of English medium private schools. While these are two parallel streams of education, this policy cannot provide 'equal' education.
No matter how much Anganwadi is enabled, Anganwadi cannot equal the worst convent. This is our common belief. Anganwadi is a low cost low class option. And Convent is a high cost option, so how do you get the same education?
■ The new education policy deliberately gives preference to private educational institutions as the government wants to retire from the education sector and hand over the entire education system to the corporate sector.
This education policy is compatible with the corporate sector and is conducive to the elite. This will increase their representation and influence in the administration.
As the education of farmers, agricultural laborers, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Minorities starts from Anganwadi, their existence in college will be nominal.
Business education at all levels will be compulsory in public (government) educational institutions, but the same will not be binding on private, English institutions.
The concept of the Vocational Course presented in the policy is that every student in classes 9 to 12 must take at least one vocational training. This insistence seems to be a model of M.Gandhi's basic education system.
Those who want to go for business training after 10th, 12th, will have to take timely business training, why force it?
■ Today is the age of artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotic culture. In such an age, imparting traditional education to students (painting, carpentry, pottery, etc.) is a waste of generation.
Promote privatization, commercialization, marketing and casteization of education. It will have catastrophic effects on the society.
Transforming education into a market will pave the way for exploitation of the common poor by domestic and foreign capitalists.
■ In schools: - 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 education system is now being implemented instead of the old system of school education. In which the process of teaching children up to the age of 3 years has been given to the Anganwadis who are already working on ventilators.
Private educational institutions will be fully automated and autonomous. Therefore, they will charge arbitrary fees.
■ Academic-Non-Academic Activities As there is no concrete division between science and arts, the whole process of learning and teaching will be destroyed.
P NEP talks about implementing ‘digitization’ by implementing poor and discriminatory online education. (Today online education has exploded in the Corona era) Its real objective is to acrcelerate the process of decentralization in education by eliminating decentralization (center and state).
We allege that the unrealistic, incomprehensible glory of ancient India, the introduction of Sanskrit and Sanskrit literature in the curriculum lead the education system towards deification of education.
In ancient India, a Guru (not a teacher) like Dronacharya was respected in this policy, even for Brahmins and Kshatriyas because he was a supporter of caste system. Do we need such an ideal teacher in today's education system? Why bother to make trained teachers from disadvantaged communities sub-standard when they are equally qualified? These efforts are reprehensible.
*Part 2. Higher Education Policy and Objections: -*
■ Higher education policy is insistent on business education and denies Freeship and Scholarship to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs in private educational institutions and increases the deprivation of this class and general public in the field of Academic & Professional education.
This policy is based on two parallel streams in higher and vocational education. Out of which 1. stream is of public funded institutions, while 2. stream is of autonomous, autonomous, self-financed private educational institutions. In that too, priority has been given to private educational institutions. So this strategy may be inclusive but not equal.
Private educational institutions will sell education, and those who can afford it will buy education, thus establishing their undisputed dominance over the system.
Autonomous, Autonomous, Self-Managed Private
It will be as if there is no government regulation on educational institutions. The result will be more and more marketing of education in the name of quality education.
Private educational institutions have been deliberately given priority. The intention is clear, the government wants to get rid of higher and vocational education and make this sector free market economy.
Privatization of higher and vocational education will further increase the educational deprivation of the underprivileged in this sector.
■ As this education policy is conducive to the corporate sector, the influence of this class on politics will increase.
It is certain that the sieve from Anganwadi will never allow the general public to reach Type 2 and Type 1 universities through autonomous colleges.
3. Liberal and Vocational education has been made compulsory at all levels of Type 3.2 and 1 in public education institutions, but this compulsion does not apply to private educational institutions. Highly specialized professional education, including liberal and vocational education at all levels, is the key to securing access to only 3% of the population.
The results will be learned by the general public, business skills will be known to them but in this age of artificial intelligence, robotic culture and machine learning, their education and business skills will not be of any use to anyone.
Liberal and vocational eduction will not be restricted to private educational institutions. Therefore, these institutions will focus all their attention on high quality vocational education and those who can afford it will benefit from this education.
The concept of higher education institutions with different disciplines and the number of 5000 to 250,000 students is 2500 years old. In today's age of minute specialization it should be considered as waste as it has become obsolete.
*We want such punishment olicies: -*
Education at all levels including education, higher and vocational education is the birthright of every individual and it is the responsibility of the state to provide it.
Acknowledging this .... Punishment Policies Guaranteeing us inclusive and equal education .... Punishment Policies Guaranteeing equal quality education for all Those who are deserving Guarantee the higher and vocational education they want in any situation ....
Good Public good includes private good or
Based on theory. Prioritizing public good ...... Punishment policy ■ Giving scientific approach ...... Punishment policy
We need education policies that accelerate the process of restructuring a society based on constitutional values, including secularism.
Only the state can implement such education policies. Therefore, there is no place for privatization, commercialization and marketing of education in this policy. We want such education policies.
The new punishment policy is a policy of religiosity and marketing of education. It destroys the basic tenets of education. Therefore, the new National Education Policy 2020 is a national disaster for the country. Therefore, we strongly oppose the proposed National Education Policy 2020 and reject this education policy.
Finally, it states that the problem of education is not of one caste, sect or religion. So it is for every Indian who wants to live with dignity.