I created and published four volumes of school theater in verse, scientific-humorous skits, as
teaching material for various subjects or for extracurricular and extracurricular activities from
international eTwinning projects.
Why did I choose this option?
The conclusion emerges from the following material, as examples of good practices.

Theater art is the most complex of

arts, it is a field of complete freedom.

The theater is:
the place where they meet:
lights and shadows,
people's experiences and desires,
the joys and sorrows of all beings,
the place where "everything is possible"
the universe where the only limit is your own imagination.
Why do we all need theater and, in particular, what do children need?
The Englishman William Shakespeare said:
"All the world is a stage and all men are actors"
thus making a complete picture of the very strong connection between Theater and Life.
From my teaching experience, I have noticed that students learn and retain concepts much more easily, no matter how difficult, if they are presented to them in the form of a didactic game, if they are characters in the respective skit, and those who are spectators are equally advantaged, through the fact that the skit (play) arouses their curiosity and interest.
Don't the events in our lives follow each other like on stage or on the cinema screen? Don't we look at our fellow human beings like characters in a theater or film? And we, in turn, don't we play, whether we like it or not, various roles in life? Are we not, in turn, someone's sons, someone else's grandchildren, students at school, high school or university, then, in turn, parents or grandparents, teachers or professors, doctors, engineers, workers, etc.?
And in each of these situations, we act, react, behave according to... the role we have. We behave with each of our peers according to the system of relationships we have, the role they play in our lives, or according to the situation in which we find ourselves. I mean, we are living characters in a big and real play.
Therefore, theater helps us to organize our own life, or, in other words, our own play.
Let's see how useful theater is in school.
We must recognize that when we talk about education, about school and about training the human being, from an early age, we are actually talking about:
winning and
fixing skills and competences necessary for life.
That's why parents direct their children to practice sports, fine arts, dance, ballet, theater, and in the school space, the study program includes subjects that have as their goal... all the gaining of new knowledge and the discovery of job-specific availability or an art.
School theater can contribute precisely because, thanks to carefully selected and well-defined exercises, it aims to develop children and young people:

team work;
the ability to observe;
concentration of attention;
the imagination;
critical thinking:
the development of the senses;
emotion management;
conflict control;
freedom of speech in public and
the ability to create a story, script or play.
And with all these availability gained, through theatrical games, the child, the young person will be able to successfully integrate into the universe of which they are a part.
School theater serves education precisely because, only with the help of the game so appreciated and loved by children, refusing rigid teaching-learning methods, it can turn the little human being into a future HUMAN BEING, with great chances of becoming a success story!
In school, theater does not aim to create actors, but to develop the future man.
School theater:
discover and value their qualities;
makes them master themselves in crisis situations;
it increases their self-esteem and helps them develop their imagination and creativity;
let them dream and not be ashamed... of them;
to gain the power to say:
"This is me! I'm not perfect, but I can be the best in the job I dream of doing!".